"...the National Weather Service said Bismarck was on track to break a 1916 record for snowfall in December. The city has had 19 inches of snow so far this month, and with 4 more expected Monday night, the record of 21.7 inches could be shattered."
What?! 19 inches for the month and they get all the attention? We had 19 in 24 hours! Oh, and they could shatter their record by 1.3 inches? What would you call the 6 inch obliteration of our 24 hour record? Finally, some good, clean, non-scandalous news for Spokane and the AP flies right by us like all the 4 wheel drives out there who don't realize there's anybody else on the road... but I digress...
This weekend did give us a respite. Saturday was a clear blue sky and people were out in droves. I'm not exactly sure what a drove is, but if it means every main arterial was bumper to bumper and each mall parkade was completely full, then there were definately droves on Saturday. Enter David on his white steed (steed in this case meaning Pontiac). He came over with the most special gift; a snow shovel! Then, he whisked me away (whisked in this case meaning inched through traffic) to dinner. We went to Bangcok Thai which is off the beaten track, but right along the river.

Yay for David bringing you a shovel & taking you out to dinner! Good job David. That food looks really REALLY good. Next time I'm in town, you'll have to take me there. :)
That's okay about the news...I still think you're cool.
Yum, that food is amazing looking. I love Thai Iced coffee....similar to the iced tea, but its coffee with sweetened condensed milk!
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