Anyway, moving back a few days to Friday, Jonah springs the much dreaded news on me that we might be having overnight guests in a few weeks. Yikes! While my house is generally clean enough to accomodate someone for the day, I am not prepared for an overnight visit! My guest room is where all the junk gets thrown & where I put all my craft stuff. And my upstairs bathroom is a pigsty! So, that news has put me in clean/organize everything mode.
This is what I came up with to help in the guest room. It'll expand my craft area, but more importantly it will hide stuff! Magazines, patterns,'s all getting neatly tucked away under this table. It was easy & I had it completely finished halfway through Clint Eastwood's, A Fistful of Dollars. I always recommend doing tedious household projects while watching a movie. Time really flies that way...
I think this pretty table could have so many uses, like a buffet table at dinner, displaying stuff at yard sales, playing "fort" with your dog or husband. :)
I bought a cheap 24" x 48" folding table & 6 feet of velcro at Walmart. The soft side of the velcro was then stuck around 3 sides of the table. I took a flat sheet & cut it in half lengthwise with a pair of scalloped scissors.
I stuck several pieces of the velcro's prickly side to the sheet & gathered it up along the edge of the table, like so...
The scalloped edge gathered neatly at the floor, done.
Ha Ha! Both Dad and I read your title and thought you were talking about Grandma! We didn't realize you were trying so hard! After I read a bit I figured out you were actually talking about the ex-con. ;)
Well, the title was meant to mean one of three people, you can take your pick...Martha Stewart, Grandma, or the Biblical Martha (Martha & Mary). I look up to them all & their green thumbs & their perfect ways.
p.s. Teach Mom & Dad how to leave a comment while they're there. :) We need more discussions around here besides just between you & me.
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