Elf... check.
White Christmas... check.
Die Hard... wait... well, it takes place at Christmas time.
I actually hadn't seen Die Hard in years, so it was fun to watch. After all, it is 40 stories of sheer adventure!

Next, we watched something a little more mellow. Melissa wrote a post about wanting to see the movie Julie and Julia earlier in the year. Today we snuggled up to watch this charming little story. I enjoyed it thoroughly, although, our lunch seemed quite uneventful after watching all the French cuisine being consumed in this movie. I also felt like I may have gained 10 pounds just by watching all the butter and cream teasing me on the screen.

What famous cook stated, "giving up butter means that in about two years you will be covered in dandruff."
Once you see the movie, the answer to that question is incredibly obvious. ...so, why did I guess Dom Doluise? I guess I never was one to pick up on the obvious.

Oh fun! I love Christmas movies! We saw that Prep & Landing one, too - cute, but yes, too short. We thought it was a regular length movie since the trailer was so long, too! :)
Darn....I can't believe I missed watching Prep & Landing. I was super excited about it. Aren't Elf and White Christmas the best movies ever???
Did you see I finally got myself a Blogger account? Now I will just have to take lessons from you two so my blog can be as cute as yours. ;)
Just watched Julie and Julia not too long ago! I loved it....although I agree, she should have gained a ton of wait from eating all that food. I LOVE trying new food from cookbooks. Just made a delicious bacon apple and cheese bread pudding from my hero Betty Crocker's cookbook yesterday.
You two need to start blogging again. I miss hearing from you.
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