Jonah's side of the family is Cajun-French from Southern Louisiana. And today I got to thinking about just how lovely & loud everyone sounds when we go back to visit. Such a contrast to my quiet-spoken side of the family from the Northwest. Of course I have no idea how to spell anything, but Jonah's charming family has taught me a few of their words & phrases over the years. Here are some of them (phonetically)...
Sha or Sha-sha is a term of endearment
Toot or tootie is also a term of endearment
Do-do (with long o's) is how you tell little ones "go to sleep"
Noonie means pacifier
Sa-say-bone means "It's good!" when you are complimenting the cook
Nosay faunts means that person is nosey!
Teetsootie is little mouse
Teequet is a short ponytail or piece of hair sticking up
Coolyawn means crazy idiot
Mawmaw means grandma or old lady & is sometimes used to describe someone who looks frumpy
Cawsawns is underwear!
They say I'm gonna pass the vacuum or pass the mop
They use the term hard-headed to describe each other as stubborn & I find they are usually right
Get down means get out of the car
Lower or speed up the TV means lower or raise the volume on the TV
And speaking of TV, it's time to lay like a potato in front of it & watch Bravo... hello, anyone else need to get caught up on The Fashion Show or Real Housewives of New Jersey?
Goodnight & God bless. xoxo, Melissa
1 comment:
I love hearing all those sayings! I always want to come up with something distinctly Montanan.
Joyeux anniversaire!
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